Termini e Condizioni
Cookie Policy
Questo sito utilizza i cookies per migliorare l’esperienza utente. Utilizzando il nostro sito web l’utente dichiara di accettare e acconsentire all’utilizzo dei cookies in conformità con i termini di uso dei cookies espressi in questo documento.
I cookie sono file di testo che contengono pacchetti di informazioni che vengono memorizzati sul tuo computer o sul tuo dispositivo mobile tutte le volte che visiti un sito online attraverso un browser. Ad ogni successiva visita il browser invia questi cookies al sito web che li ha originati o ad un altro sito. I cookies permettono ai siti di ricordare alcune informazioni per permetterti di navigare online in modo semplice e veloce. Ci sono due principali tipi di cookie: i cookie di sessione e cookies permanenti. I cookie di sessione vengono eliminati dal computer automaticamente quando chiudi il browser, mentre i cookie permanenti restano memorizzati sul tuo computer a meno che non siano eliminati o raggiungano la loro data di scadenza.
Questo sito utilizza i seguenti cookie tecnici, che vengono installati automaticamente a seguito dell’accesso al sito, per le finalità indicate in relazione a ciascuno di essi:
Per alcuni utenti registrati utilizziamo degli eCookie che permettono di evitare il login manuale ad ogni visita.
Session cookie
Il cookie di sessione archivia e recupera valori per un determinato utente. Le informazioni sono archiviate lato server e solo l’ID univoco contenuto nel cookie viene condiviso tra l’utente e il server. Le informazioni memorizzate sul server restano in memoria fino alla scadenza della sessione. Il cookie stesso non contiene dati personali.
Questo sito utilizza Google Analytics per raccogliere informazioni circa l’utilizzo degli utenti del proprio sito web. Google Analytics genera informazioni statistiche e di altro genere attraverso i cookie, memorizzati sui computer degli utenti. Le informazioni generate relative al nostro sito web sono utilizzate per fare dei report sull’utilizzo dei siti web. Google memorizzerà ed utilizzerà queste informazioni. La politica sulla privacy di Google è disponibile al seguente indirizzo: http://www.google.com/privacypolicy.html.
Nel caso volessi bloccare cookie ti ricordiamo che questo potrebbe avere un impatto negativo sull’usabilità di alcuni siti web. La maggior parte dei browser ti permette di rifiutare/accettare i cookie. Di seguito ti riportiamo alcune informazioni pratiche per disabilitare i cookie sul browser che stai utilizzando.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Cliccare l’icona ‘Strumenti’ nell’angolo in alto a destra e selezionare ‘Opzioni internet’. Nella finestra pop up selezionare ‘Privacy’. Qui potrete regolare le impostazioni dei vostri cookies.
Google Chrome
Cliccare la chiave inglese nell’angolo in alto a destra e selezionare ‘Impostazioni’. A questo punto selezionare ‘Mostra impostazioni avanzate’ (“Under the hood’”) e cambiare le impostazioni della ‘Privacy’.
Mozilla Firefox
Dal menu a tendina nell’angolo in alto a sinistra selezionare ‘Opzioni’. Nella finestra di pop up selezionare ‘Privacy’. Qui potrete regolare le impostazioni dei vostri cookies.
Dal menu di impostazione a tendina nell’angolo in alto a destra selezionare ‘Preferenze’. Selezionare ‘Sicurezza’ e qui potrete regolare le impostazioni dei vostri cookies.
Per saperne di più riguardo ai cookie e come gestire o disabilitare quelli di terze parti o di marketing/retargeting, visita www.youronlinechoices.com.
Per disabilitare i cookie analitici e per impedire a Google Analytics di raccogliere dati sulla tua navigazione, puoi scaricare il Componente aggiuntivo del browser per la disattivazione di Google Analytics: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
Titolare del trattamento
INVIEWER S.T.P. A R.L. con sede a VIALE FELSINA, 18 – 40139 BOLOGNA (BO) P.IVA e
C.F. 03945091209 SDI: KGVVJ2H
Indirizzo email del Titolare: andrea.muccioli86@gmail.com
Diritti dell’interessato
Ai sensi dell’art. 7 Codice Privacy, in qualsiasi momento l’interessato ha diritto di ottenere la conferma dell’esistenza o meno dei dati che lo riguardano e di conoscerne il contenuto e l’origine, di verificarne l’esattezza o chiederne l’integrazione o l’aggiornamento, oppure la rettificazione. Ha altresì il diritto di chiedere la cancellazione, la trasformazione in forma anonima o il blocco dei dati trattati in violazione di legge, nonché di opporsi per motivi legittimi al trattamento dei dati che la riguardano scrivendo all’indirizzo sopra indicato.
Cookie Policy
This website uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By using our website you acknowledge that you accept and consent to the use of cookies in accordance with the terms of use of cookies set out in this document.
Cookies are text files containing packets of information that are stored on your computer or mobile device every time you visit an online site through a browser. On each subsequent visit, the browser sends these cookies either to the website that originated them or to another website. Cookies allow sites to remember certain information to allow you to browse online quickly and easily. There are two main types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are automatically deleted from your computer when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain stored on your computer unless they are deleted or reach their expiry date.
This site uses the following technical cookies, which are automatically installed following access to the site, for the purposes indicated in relation to each of them:
We use eCookies for some registered users to avoid manual login on each visit.
Session cookie
The session cookie stores and retrieves values for a particular user. The information is stored server-side and only the unique ID contained in the cookie is shared between the user and the server. The information stored on the server remains in memory until the session expires. The cookie itself contains no personal data.
This website uses Google Analytics to collect information about user usage of its website. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information through cookies, which are stored on users’ computers. The information generated about our website is used to make reports about website usage. Google will store and use this information. Google’s privacy policy is available at: http://www.google.com/privacypolicy.html.
Should you wish to block cookies, please note that this may have a negative impact on the usability of some websites. Most browsers allow you to refuse/accept cookies. Below is some practical information on how to disable cookies on the browser you are using.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click the ‘Tools’ icon in the top right-hand corner and select ‘Internet Options’. In the pop-up window select ‘Privacy’. Here you can adjust your cookie settings.Google Chrome
Click the spanner in the top right-hand corner and select ‘Settings’. Then select ‘Show advanced settings’ (‘Under the hood’) and change the ‘Privacy’ settings.
Mozilla Firefox
From the drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner select ‘Options’. In the pop-up window select ‘Privacy’. Here you can adjust your cookie settings.
From the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner select ‘Preferences’. Select ‘Security’ and here you can adjust your cookie settings.
To find out more about cookies and how to manage or disable third-party or marketing/retargeting cookies, visit www.youronlinechoices.com.
To disable analytical cookies and to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data about your browsing, you can download the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
Data controller
INVIEWER S.T.P. A R.L. con sede a VIALE FELSINA, 18 – 40139 BOLOGNA (BO) P.IVA e
C.F. 03945091209 SDI: KGVVJ2H
Indirizzo email del Titolare: andrea.muccioli86@gmail.com
Rights of the interested party
Pursuant to Art. 7 of the Privacy Code, at any time the interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of data concerning him/her and to know its content and origin, to verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification. You also have the right to request the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing of data concerning you by writing to the above address.
Politique des cookies
Ce site web utilise des cookies pour améliorer l’expérience de l’utilisateur. En utilisant notre site web, vous reconnaissez que vous acceptez et consentez à l’utilisation de cookies conformément aux conditions d’utilisation des cookies énoncées dans le présent document.
Les cookies sont des fichiers texte contenant des paquets d’informations qui sont stockés sur votre ordinateur ou votre appareil mobile chaque fois que vous visitez un site en ligne via un navigateur. À chaque visite ultérieure, le navigateur envoie ces cookies soit au site web qui les a créés, soit à un autre site web. Les cookies permettent aux sites de se souvenir de certaines informations pour vous permettre de naviguer en ligne rapidement et facilement. Il existe deux principaux types de cookies : les cookies de session et les cookies persistants. Les cookies de session sont automatiquement supprimés de votre ordinateur lorsque vous fermez votre navigateur, tandis que les cookies persistants restent stockés sur votre ordinateur jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient supprimés ou atteignent leur date d’expiration.
Ce site utilise les cookies techniques suivants, qui sont automatiquement installés suite à l’accès au site, aux fins indiquées en relation avec chacun d’eux :
Nous utilisons des eCookies pour certains utilisateurs enregistrés afin d’éviter une connexion manuelle à chaque visite.
Cookie de session
Le cookie de session stocke et récupère des valeurs pour un utilisateur particulier. Les informations sont stockées sur le serveur et seul l’identifiant unique contenu dans le cookie est partagé entre l’utilisateur et le serveur. Les informations stockées sur le serveur restent en mémoire jusqu’à l’expiration de la session. Le cookie lui-même ne contient aucune donnée personnelle.
Ce site web utilise Google Analytics pour collecter des informations sur l’utilisation de son site par les utilisateurs. Google Analytics génère des informations statistiques et autres par le biais de cookies, qui sont stockés sur les ordinateurs des utilisateurs. Les informations générées sur notre site web sont utilisées pour établir des rapports sur l’utilisation du site. Google stocke et utilise ces informations. Les règles de confidentialité de Google sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante : http://www.google.com/privacypolicy.html.
Si vous souhaitez bloquer les cookies, veuillez noter que cela peut avoir un impact négatif sur la convivialité de certains sites web. La plupart des navigateurs vous permettent de refuser/accepter les cookies. Vous trouverez ci-dessous des informations pratiques sur la manière de désactiver les cookies sur le navigateur que vous utilisez.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Cliquez sur l’icône “Outils” dans le coin supérieur droit et sélectionnez “Options Internet”. Dans la fenêtre qui s’ouvre, sélectionnez “Confidentialité”. Vous pouvez y régler vos paramètres de cookies. Google Chrome
Cliquez sur la clé dans le coin supérieur droit et sélectionnez “Paramètres”. Sélectionnez ensuite “Afficher les paramètres avancés” (“Under the hood”) et modifiez les paramètres de “Confidentialité”.
Mozilla Firefox
Dans le menu déroulant situé dans le coin supérieur gauche, sélectionnez “Options”. Dans la fenêtre qui s’ouvre, sélectionnez “Vie privée”. Vous pouvez y régler vos paramètres de cookies.
Dans le menu déroulant situé dans le coin supérieur droit, sélectionnez “Préférences”. Sélectionnez “Sécurité” et vous pourrez y régler vos paramètres de cookies.
Pour en savoir plus sur les cookies et sur la manière de gérer ou de désactiver les cookies tiers ou de marketing/de reciblage, consultez le site www.youronlinechoices.com.
Pour désactiver les cookies analytiques et empêcher Google Analytics de collecter des données sur votre navigation, vous pouvez télécharger le module complémentaire de navigateur de désactivation de Google Analytics : https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
Responsable du traitement des données
INVIEWER S.T.P. A R.L. con sede a VIALE FELSINA, 18 – 40139 BOLOGNA (BO) P.IVA e
C.F. 03945091209 SDI: KGVVJ2H
Indirizzo email del Titolare: andrea.muccioli86@gmail.com
Droits de l’intéressé
Aux termes de l’art. 7 du Code Privacy, l’intéressé a le droit d’obtenir à tout moment la confirmation de l’existence ou non de données le concernant et d’en connaître le contenu et l’origine, d’en vérifier l’exactitude ou d’en demander l’intégration ou la mise à jour, ou la rectification. Vous avez également le droit de demander l’effacement, la transformation sous forme anonyme ou le blocage des données traitées en violation de la loi, ainsi que de vous opposer, pour des raisons légitimes, au traitement des données vous concernant en écrivant à l’adresse ci-dessus.
Cookie Policy
This website uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By using our website you acknowledge that you accept and consent to the use of cookies in accordance with the terms of use of cookies set out in this document.
Cookies are text files containing packets of information that are stored on your computer or mobile device every time you visit an online site through a browser. On each subsequent visit, the browser sends these cookies either to the website that originated them or to another website. Cookies allow sites to remember certain information to allow you to browse online quickly and easily. There are two main types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are automatically deleted from your computer when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain stored on your computer unless they are deleted or reach their expiry date.
This site uses the following technical cookies, which are automatically installed following access to the site, for the purposes indicated in relation to each of them:
We use eCookies for some registered users to avoid manual login on each visit.
Session cookie
The session cookie stores and retrieves values for a particular user. The information is stored server-side and only the unique ID contained in the cookie is shared between the user and the server. The information stored on the server remains in memory until the session expires. The cookie itself contains no personal data.
This website uses Google Analytics to collect information about user usage of its website. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information through cookies, which are stored on users’ computers. The information generated about our website is used to make reports about website usage. Google will store and use this information. Google’s privacy policy is available at: http://www.google.com/privacypolicy.html.
Should you wish to block cookies, please note that this may have a negative impact on the usability of some websites. Most browsers allow you to refuse/accept cookies. Below is some practical information on how to disable cookies on the browser you are using.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click the ‘Tools’ icon in the top right-hand corner and select ‘Internet Options’. In the pop-up window select ‘Privacy’. Here you can adjust your cookie settings.Google Chrome
Click the spanner in the top right-hand corner and select ‘Settings’. Then select ‘Show advanced settings’ (‘Under the hood’) and change the ‘Privacy’ settings.
Mozilla Firefox
From the drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner select ‘Options’. In the pop-up window select ‘Privacy’. Here you can adjust your cookie settings.
From the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner select ‘Preferences’. Select ‘Security’ and here you can adjust your cookie settings.
To find out more about cookies and how to manage or disable third-party or marketing/retargeting cookies, visit www.youronlinechoices.com.
To disable analytical cookies and to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data about your browsing, you can download the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
Data controller
INVIEWER S.T.P. A R.L. con sede a VIALE FELSINA, 18 – 40139 BOLOGNA (BO) P.IVA e
C.F. 03945091209 SDI: KGVVJ2H
Indirizzo email del Titolare: andrea.muccioli86@gmail.com
Rights of the interested party
Pursuant to Art. 7 of the Privacy Code, at any time the interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of data concerning him/her and to know its content and origin, to verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification. You also have the right to request the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing of data concerning you by writing to the above address.